Sunday, 4 June 2017

I'm Back: With Updates

I took a sudden hiatus recently. It wasn't really planned hence the sudden. Part of it was a quite sudden lack of motivation in blogging, but also I wanted to look at what I was posting and see what I could do to make it more meaningful which in turn would help me to write on here more consistently.  


June marks the month of my blogging anniversary. A year of blogging. It's almost hard to believe. Yeah it hasn't been full of consistencies but as with any writing, it's a journey.

I posted my first introductory post in April last year, but then was stalled when my computer had to be sent way to be fixed. When it arrived back in June, I soon got to planning and blogging. My first post was a book review of Magnus Chase and The Sword of Summer. It was the 19th of the June. However I've counts it as the month due to it being where it began to shoot off for me with some regularity.  I may not have many followers as such yet, but I'm okay with that. It's not about the attention but rather my contest and what I want to write about.

A Schedule

I have put some thought into it and decided on a schedule. One that I hope to keep more.

Tuesdays- Expect a That Word post each week. 

  • 1st Saturday of the month - Scripture
In this post I will be choosing one or more verses and discussing them. It's something I've always thought of doing on here but haven't done. So Next month I will be starting that. 
  • 2nd Saturday of the month - Story Posts
Originally I was going to call this my bookish posts, but while it will include book reviews and things I've discovered I love through books I also want to include other forms of stories that I have come to love. An example will be T.V shows and movies.
  • 3rd Saturday of the month - My Writing
This Saturday I will focus a post on my writing. It is likely that I will often be posting a Beautiful People link-up which means you will likely be learning more about my characters. Other times I will post updates and things I have been learning lately too. 
  • 4th Saturday of the month - My monthly Recap. 
This is the post where I will recap what's been happening in my life this month. What's been happening on the blog and around other forms of media. I will inform you of the books I've read and am currently reading. Just an all round recap really. 

Of course this schedule could be prone to slight change and surprise posts, but generally this is the one I hope to keep. 

Other News

In May I set up my very own writer's page on Facebook. It's something I've been thinking about doing for a long while and finally got and did it after a friend asked about it recently. I hope to keep it updated consistently.

Some Fun Stats

All Time Pageviews: 1,874
Post with most views: August monthly recap with 62 page views.
Top 3 countries for page views are: United States (924), Australia (481) and France (300)

I hope you will join me for a new year of blogging. Next Saturday expect a story/bookish themed post. Thanks for reading. Please feel free to comment. 

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