Saturday, 25 February 2017

Monthly Recap: February

Welcome to my February Recap. Here I relay to you what has been going on in my life this month. 

In My Life 


I started grade 12 this month. It was more exciting than nerve wracking. I've been all of my classes so far but I have to say English Writing is my favourite by far. My teacher makes sure it's more of a relaxed atmosphere. Our first assignment we have to do about life but for the rest of the year we can negotiate. I'm really excited for it. 

My Writing 

I feel that I have begun writing with more consistency lately and I have been more excited and motivated constantly. I am so happy for this. Procrastination is step behind. I haven't written as much as planned for the story this month. Only a few scenes here and there, but what I have done is a lot plotting. My goal for next month will be to write 20,000 words and with a plot I hope that I can achieve that. What I can say is I am feeling confident about this story at the moment and that makes me really happy.

What I've Read

My aim each month is to read at least four books which would mean about 1 book a week. This month I pretty much started with three. Once school started plus some procrastination my reading time went downhill. Still I am ahead of my goal this year by far. I am currently 7 books ahead of schedule.

  1. Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer 
  2. Thor: Season One
  3. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle) by Maggie Stiefvater
  4. Bracelet of Bones by Kevin Crossley-Holland 

What I Plan to Read 

  1. Dragonborn by Toby Forward Almost Finished
  2. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris Half-way Through
  3. Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3)
  4. Eve by Wm Paul Young

What I've Watched

I've been watching each RWBY volume 4 episode as they come out. The feels I feel. It a pretty awesome show with fairy tale links amongst it all.

My family and I finished watching SG1. It was sad to see it end. We've started watching Knight Rider. It is really interesting.

On The Blog

Well, I definitely wasn't as consistent this month in blogging. My bookstagram account was almost non-existent with posts this month too. Hopefully March will be a new month in that aspect.

Around the Blogosphere 

What's your month been like? What books have you read? What's been exciting? Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts.


  1. Ooh, I hope you like Cress! That was SUCH a good book adfjakdls and I loved meeting Cress. She's such an adorable little squeaky shy bean. <3 Also good luck with grade 12!! And also with the writing 20K!! That's a great goal. I'm tentatively planning to start doing some edits this month but I haven't picked a project and it's already the 6th and I waaaaanted to do Camp NaNo in April so.😂 Who knows.

    1. Yep, I loved Cress and finished it within a few days despite homework. Cress was so adorable and I can't wait for the next instalment. Only I have to wait to find time to visit the library which is sad. Yeah, I'm a bit behind on my goal but am going to be stubborn and try for 20K. I've never written that much in a month before so it is kind of exciting. Good look in editing if you happen to get to choosing a project and for Camp Nano should you participate. Thanks for commenting.
