Tuesday, 28 February 2017

That Word: Bulwark

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It

Bulwark is on those words that I had on a list on my phone. It's likely I found it in a book and didn't have the sense to write exactly where I found it. It's likely been hanging around for a few years too. 


  1. a wall of earth or other material built for defence; rampart.
  2. any protection against external danger, injury, or annoyance.
  3. any person or thing giving strong support or encouragement in time of need, danger, or doubt.   

An Example Sentence

The Bulwark around the compound crumbled and a small victory was earned that day. 

My Thoughts

When I read Bulwark I think of crazy. The word gives off a strange beast but not because that's not what it means by definition. I would say it gives off quite a stable definition compared to the craziness it momentarily appears. It would be a different word to use in the case of protection and defence. It's not a word I've really seen much before either. It would be interesting to see it around more. 

What do you think of Bulwark? Have you seen it around? Would you use it in the future? Have you used it before? Please comment and tell me you thoughts. I won't bite. 

Saturday, 25 February 2017

Monthly Recap: February

Welcome to my February Recap. Here I relay to you what has been going on in my life this month. 

In My Life 


I started grade 12 this month. It was more exciting than nerve wracking. I've been all of my classes so far but I have to say English Writing is my favourite by far. My teacher makes sure it's more of a relaxed atmosphere. Our first assignment we have to do about life but for the rest of the year we can negotiate. I'm really excited for it. 

My Writing 

I feel that I have begun writing with more consistency lately and I have been more excited and motivated constantly. I am so happy for this. Procrastination is step behind. I haven't written as much as planned for the story this month. Only a few scenes here and there, but what I have done is a lot plotting. My goal for next month will be to write 20,000 words and with a plot I hope that I can achieve that. What I can say is I am feeling confident about this story at the moment and that makes me really happy.

What I've Read

My aim each month is to read at least four books which would mean about 1 book a week. This month I pretty much started with three. Once school started plus some procrastination my reading time went downhill. Still I am ahead of my goal this year by far. I am currently 7 books ahead of schedule.

  1. Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer 
  2. Thor: Season One
  3. The Raven Boys (The Raven Cycle) by Maggie Stiefvater
  4. Bracelet of Bones by Kevin Crossley-Holland 

What I Plan to Read 

  1. Dragonborn by Toby Forward Almost Finished
  2. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris Half-way Through
  3. Cress (Lunar Chronicles #3)
  4. Eve by Wm Paul Young

What I've Watched

I've been watching each RWBY volume 4 episode as they come out. The feels I feel. It a pretty awesome show with fairy tale links amongst it all.

My family and I finished watching SG1. It was sad to see it end. We've started watching Knight Rider. It is really interesting.

On The Blog

Well, I definitely wasn't as consistent this month in blogging. My bookstagram account was almost non-existent with posts this month too. Hopefully March will be a new month in that aspect.

Around the Blogosphere 

What's your month been like? What books have you read? What's been exciting? Feel free to comment and tell me your thoughts.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017

That Word: Expedite

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It

This is one of many words that was listed on a note in my phone. I can only assume that it stood out to me in some way. 

Saturday, 18 February 2017

The Writing Desire Part 1

The desire to write is not a simple thing to explain. As I am sure many writers know. It's an urge that doesn't just tell you to write but orders you to. For me I find that it doesn't matter what you write as long as you write something. Later on you may have a different opinion but in the now all you need to do is write.

While the writing desire is no simple explanation in itself there are times where that desire is inspired by something else. Here is a short list of books that have inspired me in some way to write.

The first book in the Dragons in Our midst series

1. Dragons in Our Midst series by Bryan Davis

This series and the sequel series Oracles of Fire were the books that really brought my passion of writing and stories to life. I was aware I liked writing, but it really made me realise how much I loved stories and wanted to really tell my own. It was the story that also inspired my love for fantasy both reading and writing it.

2. Here, There Be Dragons by James A. Owen 

Coincidently this is the second book on here that does involve dragons somewhat. I've read this book twice now and I found each time upon reaching the end of it I discover and absolute urge to start writing. The story that is woven is unique and using people from the past to create a fantastical world. This inspires to go forth and work on my own ones.

3. Interrupted: Life Beyond Words by Rachel Coker

I saw this book at my local Christian Bookstore. I wasn't sure if I would buy it, but in the end I did. I am so glad I did. I've read this one twice now and am considering giving it another reread soon. I love the story and it's message, but the one way it has inspired me is with my poetry.

4. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris 

I've only recently started reading this and I haven't quite finished it but it really has made me realise how much I can be capable of as a teenager. It's made me believe that I could publish my own book in a few short years with a lot of hard work. It's definitely one I would recommend to all those who suffer from the low expectations teenagers generally are given.

Have you recognised the writing urge within yourself? Is there any books that have inspired it in you? What other things inspire you to write? Please feel free to leave a comment. I love hearing your thoughts.

Tuesday, 14 February 2017

That Word: Querulous

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It

I wrote this at the top of the page on one of my notebooks in April. According to the note with it I found it on page 81 of The Secret River by Kate Grenville which was a book I was reading for school.

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

That Word: Fulcrum

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It?

Mum read this in a comment and I really didn't understand what the word meant at all. When I looked it up I had a much better understanding and one Mum's friends also explained it which added to my understanding of the word. Therein it was added to a list of words. 

Wednesday, 1 February 2017

Monthly Recap: January

Welcome to the first monthly Recap where I recap the month on the blog and tell you a little bit about her my life has been going.

This month I decided to go all planning crazy. I have done many That Word posts in advance and have decided on posts to do for the next few months. Although, that of course is liable for change. Along with blogging plans I've also been outlining and fleshing out one of my stories that has been brewing since 2013. I've started writing it and hope it will be finished by the end of the year.

This month has been full of holidays, but also one of my cousins got married. That was exciting.

I've been able to be mostly consistent on my bookstagram account which has made me proud. I hope to continue the consistency this month too.

I also started a bullet journal this month. It doesn't look altogether exciting yet, but it has been an excellent excuse to use my pretty gel pens. I hope to pretty it up more as I go along.

February Goals 

  1. Reach 10,000 for current WIP
  2. Read at least four books
  3. finish writing character profiles
  4. write two blog posts a week (That Word and one other)
  5. Back Fear Away. In other words write like crazy. 

Books I plan to read

  1. Scarlet (Lunar Chronicles #2) by Marissa Meyer
  2. Read Bracelet of Bones
  3. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris
  4. Dragonborn by Toby Forward

Book I Read

The Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater Reviewed 
The Fault in Our Stars by John Green Reviewed
Page by Tamora Pierce.
Dragon's Treasure by Maya Starling
Blue Lily Lily Blue by Maggie Stiefvater

Currently Reading

  1. Scarlet by Marissa Meyer
  2. Do Hard Things by Alex and Brett Harris 

What I've Watched

My family and I have been watching SG1 for awhile now. We're just started season 9. We actually watched Stargate Atlantas before this one and now I feel like watching it again. Hopefully we do after we finish this one. Mum and I have also been working through a bit of Chasing Life. I didn't see most of Season 1, but have seen most of season 2. It's an alright show. And sad. Heart breakingly (also this is not a word, apparently) sad.

On my own I've started watching Merlin. I love it and Merlin is such a loveable guy. I've also started re-watching Dragon Booster, a show from my childhood that I love.

On Jumbled Thoughts

I've been posting consistently this month with regular That Word's but for February I hope to post more regular weekend posts as well. 

How was your January? Did you get lots done? What are your plans for February?