Monday, 8 August 2016

I Participated in July Campnanowrimo

This July I participated in Camp Nanowrimo. It was the first one I had one which meant it was super exciting, but the novel is far from done and I can't wait to write some more. Also while Camp was going on another story idea has been brewing. I'm considering working on it in November. Also sorry for the late update.

What Happened

I almost didn't do it this time round though. I felt that I needed to do some more planning for the plot, but still I went ahead. The main character had already changed from who I originally saw it as. I felt sure Jaye was the one, but as I started writing I struggled. I of knew where I wanted it to go but wasn't confident if it was sounding right. I kept trying to write something but it was slow and painful. I knew it wasn't right. So I played down my pen (or took a break from typing) for a little while. There were a couple of scenes I was happy with but the rest just wasn't flowing right. 

Then, something happened. I was trying to imagine what might happen and felt that Jaye wasn't speaking to me in the right voice anymore. Suddenly I just began writing from another character's point of view. I t was someone I had been with (so to speak) before but hadn't written anything down for. I thought maybe he would either come along later in the story or be some sort of sub-plot. I realise now that I had begun writing from his point of view things were better. 

Another thing I was uncertainty and insecurity about was how I was writing Jaye's point of view. I felt for sure at first that it should've been written in third person past tense but then I was just unsure. I kept switching between that one and first person past tense. With this other character, Samuel James, I felt confident going into it writing in first tense and I was finding it much easier to get the words out. 

My Words

The first two weeks of July was school holidays for me and this helped to try and keep writing a focus.  On one of those weekends my family and I went and stayed with my Nan and Pop. Down there I didn't have any internet. And you know what, I managed to get a few thousand words done in those days. My goal for each day was to get at least a few hundred. I take it down to no internet equalling no distractions. Ever since that weekend I've managed to keep a steady pace on my goal. Happy me :D

What Else

I feel like a lot of what I've written this month for Samuel could be more of his backstory than the actual story I wanted to tell. Even though that is what it seems I am glad for what I've written. The story is definitely not finished and I will continue to write this through out the year.

It's likely that some of what I wrote at the beginning will have to be cut because it was written in Jaye's point of view. Still I am proud of what I managed to get out during Camp Nanowrimo. I'm not sure if I will be doing Nanowrimo in November because I know I have exams that month but even while I was working on this story another was beginning. I swear I have way too many story ideas. I wonder if I will ever get to write them all. 

Did you participate in Camp this July? How well did you go with your own goal? Were you happy with what you accomplished? 

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