Tuesday, 22 August 2017

That Word: Flivver

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. This week's word is...


Where I Discovered It

Turns out I didn't write down where I found it. Whoops. 


  1. (Old Slang) an automobile, especially one that is small, inexpensive, and old. 
  2. (Slang) something of unsatisfactory quality or inferior grade.

Example Sentence

"Flivver," she said as she stared at her piece of artwork. 

My Thoughts

I think this is a unique word to describe a car, but obviously as it is termed as old slang would probably be used better in a book set some years ago where it would fit. 

Besides that the word almost reminds me of the word 'flipper'. Of course the v's make an obvious difference. I think because it sounds unique and would definitely be an interesting word to include in a story that may surprise people because it is something they are likely not to have heard or seen often before. 

What do you think? Have you heard or seen 'flivver' before? Have you used it before? Do you think you would use it in the future? Feel free to tell me your thoughts. 

Tuesday, 1 August 2017

That Word: Facetious

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you.  


Where I Discovered It

I discovered this word while reading The Sky So Heavy by Clair Zorn


  1. Not meant to be taken seriously or literally
  2. amusing; humorous
  3. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing or frivolous: 

Example Sentences

"These facetious kids. I doubt they could accomplish it."

This facetious joke was never meant to make the final cut, but it did.

"I'm not being facetious Fin. I'm trying to figure this out." - Arnold, p. 200.

My Thoughts

I like this word for it's definition. It's a different word to use for  something seemingly simple like 'amusing' or 'humorous'. I like that although simple this would can be used in a more complex way. Although it is also a word not many people may know. Still, I definitely think I would want to use it sometime.

What are your thoughts? Have you heard of 'Facetious' before? Have you used it yourself? What sentence would you create with it? Feel free to drop your thoughts in the comments.