Thursday, 13 July 2017

Book Tour for The Coronation by Olivia Jarmusch

Today I am participating in a blog tour for Olivia Jarmusch's  new book The Coronation (Tales of Tarsurella). I've tried to keep this as spoiler free as possible, but be warned there is spoilers in this review.

Prince Addison is only several weeks away from inheriting the Kingdom of Tarsurella. The entire Palace is ablaze with excitement, as the Royal Family prepares for the event of a lifetime. Despite the exciting event which is near at hand, Addison and his younger siblings (all seven of them!) must carry on with their daily activities. Addison’s sisters, Princesses Bridget, Chasity, and Hope, have their struggles with being iconic European starlets of a modern day monarchy. The teen heiresses grace magazine covers, smile for photoshoots, and gracefully glide through important interviews–until a certain American popstar arrives on the scene. 

Kennetic Energy, the wildly popular band from the United States, is chosen to play at Addison’s Coronation. David Carter, the band’s handsome lead singer, fumbles through awkward moments with Princess Hope–in front of the cameras. When an embarrassing rumor sparks that Princess Hope is dating the young fellow, she is determined to get the band fired from their Royal gig.  

Meanwhile, Princess Chasity is dealing with her own fragile affairs of the heart. Her new security guard, Hanson Fletcher, is completely captivating, yet entirely frustrating. She attempts to keep the entrance of her heart firmly protected, while following the wisdom of Proverbs 4:23. But can she be successful in guarding her heart, from her security guard?

The Coronation is Book #1 in The Tales of Tarsurella Trilogy.

The Story

The story is largely focused on characters. We see it through many perspectives. And even though we do it never feels heavy or too much. The characters are each unique. They all have their own passions and fears. Addison loves spending time with his family and wants to be a good leader but is afraid of being a bad one. Very relatable. We all fear not doing well at something we love. As he head towards his place as king he must soon decide on a wife. A decision he does not want to take lightly. For many of the characters they are forced to face decisions involving feelings and romances possibly blooming and each dealt with this differently. In most books that have romance it often resolves sole around the fact and you expect in the end they will end up together. Without saying too much, I loved how, Livy, did something unexpected with the romances developing in this book.

For a lot of the story I didn't necessarily see where it was heading. There were people introduced and feelings clearly being developed. One major undergoing current appeared to be a decision Hanson didn't want to make but had to make. As I read on I trying to anticipate what his move was. I knew very well what I wanted him to do, but also knew that likely wasn't going to happen. Through this I think a large focus was placed on all the character's relationships with each other. Whether it be sibling, friendship or something more or even little relationship at all. I caught onto the climatic event not to long before it happened. The resolution to the end of the story happened and after the story seemed kind of slow.

That being said here is a small list of things

Things I loved

  • I loved how much the royal family was so family orientated. It's not something I actually read a lot of in fiction. 
  • The Christians have a very natural focus on God in some books it can seem really forced and in this one it didn't. 
  • I learnt how the media impact between those who are famous and the rest of the world can be false.

Things I noticed

  • The major conflict and antagonist that was the climax reminded me of a terrorist group in the world today. Just one major similarity that drew me away from the story a bit. 
  • The book is so full of Christian messages, however sometimes it can seem like there is a lot of someone saying it and could almost seen to drag on a bit. 

Largely I would say it is a story about the relationships between both family and friends and even a kingdom. I loved each of the characters I met and was definitely drawn in right from the beginning. While sometimes it did feel like it slowed down and there were a few longer passages of people talking, overall I loved it. It's definitely a book I would recommend to anyone looking for a very clean, Christian read. While most characters are girls because there are more of them there are definitely some boys perspective that allows it to appeal to both genders. I'm definitely looking forward to see what the next books hold.

You can find Livy through
Livy Lynn Blog- Don't forget to check the other blog stops.

Have you read The Coronation? What did you think? Are you interested in reading it? 

Wednesday, 12 July 2017

That Word: Gumption

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you.  


Where I Discovered It

While a word that certain has some familiarity it particularly struck me while reading Cinder by Marissa Meyer. 


  1. initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness
  2. courage; spunk; guts;
  3. common sense; shrewdness

Example Sentences

"I was hoping you would have inherited more gumption from our people." ~ Dr. Erland to Cinder p. 276 of Cinder 

Michael gather his gumption. This would be no easy task. 

"Use your gumption. Don't be stupid." Michael said. 

My Thoughts

I love the sound of this word 'gumption'. It sounds cool. Just imagine saying "I've got gumption." 

It is a good word to use instead of courage or common sense, but at the same I also think it wouldn't suit all characters. It isn't a word you would hear or see everyday. I think I would love to see it around more.

What are your thoughts? Have you heard or seen gumption around before? Have you used it? Do you think you would use it? 

Saturday, 8 July 2017

Monthly Scripture Insight:

This is a new segment on my blog where I will bring a small segment of scripture each month that has taught or spoken to me in the past month.

The Verse

"- I will celebrate the Lord. I will become even more undignified than this and I will be humiliated in my own eyes. " 2 Samuel 6: 21-22


I have been reading through 1 and 2nd Samuel primarily to read up on King David. I have realised that as I have read on that he is one of my favourite Bible characters and why he is. But as I was reading about him this verse stood out to me. It was familiar and I wanted to keep it in mind.

In chapter 6 David has been focusing on getting the Ark of the Lord to Jerusalem, the capital of Israel. As they entered Jerusalem, David had been dancing with nothing but a linen loincloth.

My Thoughts 

I like this verse because David wasn't afraid. He danced even though he knew he would be humiliated. He really didn't care what others thought because he was doing it for the Lord. He was doing it as an act of worship. He was showing his love for the Lord.

I know especially in this day and age it can be hard to not focus on what other people are thinking. There is always this pressure to align with the world and what they are doing. As Christians it isn't always easy to say no.

An example from my own life is at Church I choose to worship by dancing. It is something I haven't seen many people do before. I have been doing it for many months now, but I used to be so afraid to do it. My main concern was what other people were thinking about me until I got to this place where I not only wanted to dance before the Lord but felt I needed to. I was so overcome by his joy and presence that I just had to.

It can be so easy to just listen to the ways of the world, but I think I would like to be more like David and in all areas of my life to focus on God and not be worried about if I look silly or undignified even if I will be humiliated.

When I thought of this verse I also thought of this song by Matt Redman which was based around it.

What do you think? Have you thought much about this verse before?

Tuesday, 4 July 2017

That Word: Dint

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that have newly discovered or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you.  


Where I Discovered It?

This is another word I discovered while playing Words with friends.


  1. force; power:
  2. a dent.
  3. a blow; stroke
  4. to make a dent or dents in.
  5. to impress or drive in with force.

An Example Sentence

It took all the dint he had to make it all the way up the cliff.

My Thoughts

The first thing I think of with this word is dent. They sound alike with only one vowel in difference. The meaning I think is relatively simple. Although it has several meanings they relatively similar. 'Dint' is quite a simple word to say, one of those words that is spelt like it sounds. Not like some other words of the English language.

What did you think of this word? Have you come across it before? Have you used it before? Would you use it?