Tuesday, 31 January 2017

That Word: Standoffish

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It?

I discovered this word when I was transferring a piece of writing from a notebook to my computer. Originally I had it written out as two different words in my notebook but then thought as I was typing that maybe it could be one word. I was surprised to find out that it was correct. After double checking the dictionary I immediately thought of adding to my That Word list and sharing it will you all. That shows you how much blogging has become a part of my life. 

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

That Word: Cosset

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It?

This was another word that I found through a post that a writer's group had shared from dictionary.com. 


  1. to treat as pet; pamper; coddle
  2. a lamb brought up without its dam; pet lamb.
  3. any pet.

An Example Sentence

It was either cosset it him or totally ignore him. They knew no in-between.

My Opinion 

I honestly had never heard of this word before this. It is not a lengthy word but sounds kind of complicated. The meaning is interesting too. I hope to slip it into stories I will be/ am writing.

Have you heard of this word before? Have or would you use it? What do you think about Cosset?

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

That Word: Flavescent

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered it?

A writer's group on Facebook posted this from dictionary.com's word for today. I liked the meaning and thought that it was unique hence it was added to my list for That Word's


1. Turning yellow; yellowish

An Example Sentence

The flavescent skin held an infection. 

My Opinion

This word reminds my more of flavour which made me think first that maybe it could describe a flavour but instead it describes a colour. I think it’s a cool sounding word for describing the action of turning yellow or yellowish. It’s probably a word I won’t use often but it would be nice to use it sometimes. To me it almost sounds like a posh word. Most likely in part because of its simple meaning.

What do you think? Have you come across this word before? Have you seen it used? Have or would you use it?

Saturday, 14 January 2017

When Dreaming Gets Complicated

It's official, I've fallen in love with this series, The Raven Cycle. I will admit when I read The Raven Boys I was unsure. I loved it, but there was uneasiness there for me. This time reading The Dream Theives I am definitely in love with this series. I only have one person to blame (well maybe me for reading it) Cait @ Paperfury for telling the world how good it is.

In the beginning the Prologue drew me back into he world of The Raven Boys and Blue straight away.

The Main Characters

Ronan Lynch

What I really loved is getting to know more about Ronan. In the first book he was the person most dark and most mysterious and the ending just left us (Although I do credit Maggie Stiefvater with leaving us hanging at the ends of both books) wanting to know more. I truly loved how much he evolved and became the different yet still with a darkness near the end. He's Ronan, very very Ronan.  I have to say I just loved the person he is and has become. That is to say I loved his character arc throughout the whole book. 

Adam Parrish 

Adam. He was just a complete and utter mess. The same and very different. Full of pride and anger. Scary and not. Forgetful, yet very alive. I love the confident person he seems to become in the end. His sureness in what he has to do.


In my opinion there wasn't enough Noah in the book. Although I did enjoy scenes he was in. Especially thought that scene where he and Blue pottered about at Monmouth Factory was pretty amusing. Okay hilarious. They did this and that and then. That ending part made it that tiny bit funnier. 

Blue Sargent 

Blue was ever afraid of the all meaningful kiss. Understandable but sad. Gansey and Blue together became a bit heart wrenching. I loved the scene where her family needed help with technology. For all their talents, they couldn't figure out how to work a mobile phone. That was an entertaining fact as well. 

The Story 

The subject of dreams was complex throughout. Characters questioning what they would see was real yet not at the same time. Dream Thieves a very appropriate name full of meaning. The ley line, Cabeswater, Adam, Gansey, Maura, everything is connected in a crazy way. I love the story Maggie Stiefvater has woven and while I totally blame Cait for being the introducer I must also thank her. Who knows if I would have heard of these books if she didn't mention them everywhere? 

⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Overall the story was enrapturing and captured my attention the whole way through. There wasn't really any point I felt bored. It was an intriguing and mysterious read. Right to the end you want to know more and then it leaves you on a cliffhanger to keep you hanging and longing for the next book. I couldn't have asked for more. It is a book I would be willing to buy (since it was a library book) and one I would look forward to re-reading again eventually.

Have you read The Dream Thieves or The Raven Boys? Have you finished the series? Have you read any other Maggie Stiefvater books? Did you enjoy her books as much as I have been?

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

A New Year

I've tried to write my new year post several times. I think my problem is I'm trying to make it to complicated. So here I try again and hope that simpler is better.

This year or should I say last year I had one main goal.


1. Finish my first novel draft. :( This goal was not completed.

I didn't really make a comprehensive list of goals last year. Unlike this year.


1. Finish the first draft of a novel. I think that I will be able to accomplish it this year because I have felt that I have grown so more in my writing of the last year. 

2. Post consistently. I accidentally stopped posting around October/November. I don't want to do the same thing. Hopefully the next time I take a hiatus it would be announced properly and not leave any readers unaware. 

3. Bookstagram consistently. I started bookstagramming last year without much consistency. I have enjoyed participating and joining with other bookworms in challenges and just in bookstagram. I hope that I can gain consistency as I continue to do so.

4. Outline 3 Novels. I have never plotted a full novel out before. I have always been a pantser (my computer likes autocorrecting this to Panther. It's happened before too). The problem with having several story ideas always floating around in my head means that I need to get them out at least roughly at some point. Now I just have to pick which three.

5. Keep Consistency in my school work. About third and fourth term last year I lost motivation doing school work which lead to a lot more procrastination in all areas of my life. This is definitely one thing I want not to happen this year in grade 12. 

Fun Stats and Other Details

Last year I started bookstagramming. Originally I didn't set up my instagram account for that purpose so I had set it on private. When I participated in my first bookstagram challenge it took almost the whole month for me to realise that no one else would see it. When I did set it on public I really enjoyed sharing with the bookworm community on instagram. Now I have not been at all regular with my posting on instagram sometimes going a whole month without posting other times only a few days apart. I have enjoyed seeing the likes comes in and follows as well. As of today I have 44 followers. Which is pretty exciting. 

Top Sites Traffic 

  1. Paperfury.com 
  2. Instagram 

Top Countries Traffic 

  1. USA
  2. Australia
  3. France 
France was the one that surprised me the most. 

So there is my last year and new year and some fun stats. I hope you stick around for the new. 

How did you go with your own goals last year? What goals have you made for this year? 

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

That Word: Inception

That Word is the segment on my blog where I post new words that I discover newly or have jumped out at me once again. If you love finding new words this post is for you. If you're a writer looking for different words to describe some this post may also be for you. 


Where I Discovered It?

I was writing a blog post and double checked the meaning of a word I had used. It turned out I was correct. I also thought it would be a nice addition to my That Word segment. So here it is. 


  1. Beginning; start; commencement

An Example Sentence

"The inception of such the idea seemed quite absurd to the rest of us." ~ A quote from my current work in progress. 

My Opinion

I love inception partly because it sounds simple and short yet is a longer word. It not only sounds simple but has a simple meaning too. It presents an opportunity to use it when words like beginning and start are beginning to sound a little old. I'm certainly glad I found it. 

So what do you think? Is it a word you've heard often? Have or would you use it? Do you know of other words similar?